About me

Hello, I'm currently pursuing my MS in Computer Science at SUNY Stony Brook University, New York. With a strong background in software development and a keen interest in machine learning, I specialize in integrating ML into software solutions to tackle real-world challenges.

Driven by a passion for innovation, I'm dedicated to leveraging technology to solve pressing problems. Join me as we explore the intersection of software and ML, shaping a future defined by creativity and impact.

What i'm doing

  • web development icon

    Web Development

    Building scalable SaaS solutions that empower users by tackling real-world problems and leveraging modern technologies like React, Node.js, and Django.

  • machine learning icon

    Machine Learning

    Experience with predictive modeling and NLP, utilizing TensorFlow and PyTorch to enhance data-driven decision-making.

  • cybersecurity icon

    Blockchain & Cybersecurity

    Enthusiastic about the transformative potential of blockchain in the cybersecurity space, particularly through Web3 innovations.

  • research icon


    Passionate researcher dedicated to advancing technology through AI and blockchain. Previously worked on transformative solutions in virtual reality, augmented reality, and secure user authentication.


  • top achiever

    Top Achiever

    Consistently ranked in top 1% throughout my Bachelor's program, graduating with an impressive 3rd place finish (out of 302 students) and a near-perfect GPA of 9.91/10.0. Recognized for academic excellence with Dean's List honors (x2) and a 25% tuition scholarship.

  • thesis project

    Bachelor's Thesis

    Developed a high-performance Quantum Resistant Blockchain prototype using FALCON lattice-based cryptography. This innovative solution surpasses existing systems' security while maintaining efficient transaction throughput (960 TPS).

  • research paper

    Research Publication #2

    Authored a paper, "Comprehensive Analysis of Blockchain for Applicability in User Authentication," proposing a decentralized solution for the growing online landscape. Link

  • research paper

    Research Publication #1

    Bridging the gap between AI and Extended Reality (XR), authored a research paper exploring the integration of AI with AR/VR to overcome limitations and create next-generation immersive experiences. Link


  1. Stony Brook University

    Aug 2024 — May 2026 (expected)

    Masters of Science in Computer Science
    Coursework: Analysis of Algorithms, Data Science Fundamentals
    Graduate Teaching Assistant: Digital Intelligence (under Prof. Christopher Kane)

  2. Pandit Deendayal Energy University

    Aug 2020 — May 2024

    Bachelor of Technology in Computer Engineering
    CGPA: 9.91/10
    Coursework: Data Structures, Algorithms, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Software Engineering, Database Management Systems, Data Mining, Cybersecurity

Work Experience

  1. Research Fellow, Pandit Deendayal Energy University

    Jan 2024 — May 2024

    • • Formulated a Quantum-Resistant Blockchain by integrating advanced lattice-based cryptography.
    • • Analyzed existing consensus mechanisms and developed a novel algorithm that reduced centralized control risk, by 15%. Contributed to a technical paper that was peer-reviewed and accepted for publication.
    • • Secured blockchain against quantum computing threats using lattice-based cryptography, achieved 960 TPS, matching existing systems' throughput while increasing security exponentially.

  2. Summer Analyst Intern, Shrum Tech

    May 2023 — Jul 2023

    • Tech Stack: Python, OpenAI, Twilio, Deepgram, Salesforce, Apex, Docker, AWS
    • • Launched an AI-powered voice assistant for sales with 97% response accurracy, efficiently handling inquiries.
    • • Automated 67% of customer service workflow with Salesforce and Apex, saving 750 man-hours annually. Integrated it along with consolidating features of 4 legacy applications into a unified cloud platform.
    • • Maintained the codebase through rigorous code reviews and collaborative efforts. Worked with the DevOps team to containerize the applications with Docker and streamline deployment using Amazon Web Services.
    • • Utilized best practices for code maintenance and collaborated with cross-functional teams, leading to a 50% reduction in technical debt and ensuring the codebase met industry standards for security and performance.

  3. Software Development Intern, C-Point

    May 2022 — Jul 2022

    • Tech Stack: Next.js, Appwrite, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, ShadCN, Twilio, Sentry
    • • Enhanced user registration & appointment management, serving 10,000+ users and 50+ healthcare providers.
    • • Improved system responsiveness and user interface by redesigning front-end components, leading to a 25% increase in user engagement and reduced patient no-shows through SMS notifications

My skills

    • Python
    • C++
    • JavaScript
    • Typescript
    • MySQL
    • MongoDB
    • GitHub
    • AWS
    • Docker
    • Node.js
    • React.js
    • Next.js
    • Flask
    • Django
    • FastAPI
    • Pandas
    • Scikit
    • Tensorflow
    • PyTorch
    • OpenCV
    • Apache
    • Spark
    • LangChain
    • Figma



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